Tips & How To’s

Tips On How To Get A Bird Out Of Your House Safely

Tim Parry


how to get a bird out of your house

Birds love to watch the day go by the windows. Similarly, open windows are perfect for airing out the house. However, an open window may attract unwanted visitors, especially feathered friends. If you don't know how to get a bird out of your house, this article is for you.

Often than not, a bird will fly into your house through an open window and trap itself inside. On most occasions, people around the house start panicking as the trapped bird flutters frantically, searching for an exit. For this reason, we've shared step-by-step tips to ensure you remain calm as you help the frightened bird out of your house.

Let's get started.

Steps On How To Remove A Bird From Your House

1. Remain Calm

When you see a bird flying in your house, the first thing you should do is to calm down. Keep in mind that the bird is already frightened by being in your house and not finding a way out. As such, having people in your household surrounding the bird will only make it more scared.

You want to ensure that the bird is calm before removing it from your house. If the bird is still flying around nonstop, you may have to wait till it's tired and settled.

2. Contain the Area

Next, you need to contain the area. This is because there's no way to tell how the bird will react once it's in the house. Therefore, it's paramount to ensure that the area is locked down to prevent the bird from flying to another room as you approach it.

The first step when containing your area is turning off the ceiling fan. Next, cover kettles, pans and hot pots to prevent any mess from happening. Next, take your pets to another room and close other doors, closets and cabinets.

3. Choose an Exit

At this point, you can choose a good exit for the bird to fly towards on its way out. Ideally, it would be best to open the largest window to give the bird more room to fly out. In addition, having one clear exit limits the possibility of the feathered visitor getting hurt or damage to your furnishing and fixtures.

Be sure to block out other likely escape routes to avoid confusing the frightened bird. Also, choose an inviting exit and preferably sunny, like a front door or window but not a basement door.

4. Remove the Bird

Open your chosen exit as wide as possible, then close all the drapes and blinds over the window to darken the room. Finally, turn off the lights in the house so the open door or window will be the only bright exit sign.

In turn, the bird in the house will associate the light and fresh air coming through with open-air and hopefully fly towards it. But, if the bird remains, it's time to guide it into the outdoors.

5. Use a Bedsheet

This step involves using a bedsheet to make a baffle and guide the bird out of your house. You want to take the largest bedsheet you have and hold it up with both hands at eye level. You can also hold it higher if possible.

Once the bird is sandwiched between you(the large sheet) and the open window, take slow and gradual steps towards the exit. As you close in on the bird, thanks to the bedsheet wall or baffle, you're directing the feathery guest through the window.

Close the window or door once the bird flies away into the Great outdoors, then throw the bedsheet in a washing machine and go about your day.

What Should You Do if A Bird Does Not Want to Leave Your House?

Sometimes your feathered friends will enter the house in search of warmer temperatures, especially during cold weather. In this case, you may find that the bird doesn't want to leave your house after following our step-by-step instructions.

Such cases could also involve a wild bird. If so, you will need to consult the services of a professional. Call bird sanctuaries, wildlife groups or even animal control in your area to see if they can offer assistance. The reason for calling in experts is that they have specialized gear for bird removal, ensuring its safety.

However, if you're dealing with a small bird, you can still gently capture it and set it free. To do this, you'll have to wait till the bird has tired itself out. Then, place a box next to the bird and use a towel to nudge it into the box.

You can also use the towel to cover the box once you have captured the bird. Then, carefully set the bird free outside or call your local wildlife rehabilitation center if it's hurt.

What Shouldn't You Do When Removing A Bird From Your House?

birds in a house

Taking care of yourself and ensuring safety for the bird when removing it from your house is key. Some birds are big, dangerous and could hurt you in the process. Additionally, you want to ensure not to hurt the bird's feathers since it won't fly without them.

Below are a few things you shouldn't do when a bird enters your home.

  • Using a broom to shoo the bird away
  • Yelling at the bird
  • Using a fishing net to grab the bird

How to Prevent Future Bird Visitors

Once you have managed to get the bird out of your house, you need to ensure that the bird doesn't take an open door or window for an open invitation in the future.

Use the tips below to prevent birds from entering your home.

  • Be mindful of open windows and doors.
  • Hang shiny objects near entry points. Birds naturally don't like bright or reflecting light, so they won't come close.
  • Place faux predators like owls, cats or other birds of prey on landing areas like windows and flower beds.
  • Put garden balls in your backyard. Birds will confuse them for eyes and steer clear. You can place them in flower beds or hang them on a tree.
  • Install bird spikes to deter birds from perching on overhangs and windowsills. In turn, bird spikes will ensure the birds keep flying rather than settling on windows.
  • Spray bird repellent around your home or common entry points. You can DIY bird repellent using water, vinegar and chili pepper, all of which are available in your home.

If you still encounter bird problems after trying our suggestions and tips, call animal control or your local pest and wildlife control specialist for further assistance.


Birds sometimes take open windows and doors as a sign to enter your home. While it may be somewhat scary seeing a bird flying in your home, it's advisable to stay calm, contain the area the bird is in and gently guide it outside. If these steps prove challenging, don't hesitate to call a professional to offer help.

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Tim Parry

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