Tips & How To’s

Learn How To Get Chocolate Out Of Couch Fabrics

Tim Parry


how to get chocolate out of couch

Getting chocolate stains from upholstery can be tricky, but it is not unfeasible. It is best to deal with the chocolate stain immediately because it tends to sink deep if left sitting for a while, making cleaning even harder. The great bit is that there are different methods to get rid of the stains. In this write-up, we will focus on how to get chocolate out of couch fabrics.

What Type of Stain is the Chocolate Stain?

Chocolate stains are usually made up of proteins, oils and tannins. The protein components are derived from animal secretions like milk, the oil is from butter, and the tannin is from cocoa. The important thing to note while cleaning the chocolate stains is the element in the chocolate stains.

The tanning compound will tend to leave red or brown stains, and it is mostly found in tea, coffee, chocolate and red grapes. To deal with the tannin stains, it is best to use cold water before the stain settles. The best way to deal with the fat or oil stain from the chocolate is to use a detergent and hot water.

Now that you understand what kind of stain you are dealing with, Let's look at the different methods you could use to get chocolate stains out of your upholstery.

How to Get Chocolate Out of Couch Fabrics

As we mentioned earlier, there are different methods of removing chocolate stains from your couch. The method you choose will depend on the fabric of your couch and the compounds in the chocolate that accidentally spilled. Let's look at the methods you could use.

1. Using liquid Dish soap

Using this method, you will need mild dish soap, a butter knife, paper, ice cubes, a white towel, Cornmeal, and an optional vacuum cleaner to remove chocolate stains. This method is best for cleaning hot chocolate or dark chocolate.

Step 1: Scrape off excess chocolate

First off, you will scrape off the surplus chocolate using the edge of butter or a dull knife. Importantly, you will need to do it carefully to avoid spreading the chocolate stain all over the couch. To help, you could use the paper and position it at the end of the stain; as you scrape it off, let the stain, direct it to the paper towel. Then, continue scratching until you have withdrawn as much chocolate as possible.

Step 2: Hardening or solidifying the chocolate stain

The second step is to harden or solidify the chocolate stains using ice cubes. You will need to place a few ice cubes in a plastic bag or an ice pack. Then set the ice cubes over the stain and let it sit for a couple of minutes until the chocolate hardens. Then remove the ice cubes and scrape off any remaining chocolate.

Step 3: Using a mild dish soap

The next step is to use liquid dish soap to clean the stain. You will need to make a soap and water solution and clean the couch or chair. Essentially you will use a teaspoon of dish soap and half a cup of water. You then use a clean cloth, sponge, or old toothbrush to clean up the stain.

You will dab the cold water and dish soap solution until the stain is completely removed. Then use paper towels or a clean cloth to absorb excess water. The best part is that if you don't have dish soap, you could replace it with laundry detergent.

Step 4: Rinse and dry the couch

Next is to rinse off the soap solution and dry the affected area. You will need to rinse off a cloth or damp sponge completely and use clean, warm water to rinse off the area. You will require to repeat the process until no more soap is left.

You will pat dry using a dry white towel to dry the area when you are done. Remember to use a white towel to prevent dye transfer from the towel to the upholstery.

Step 5: Sprinkling Cornmeal

When you are done removing chocolate stains from upholstery, you will need to sprinkle cornmeal over the affected area. Then allow the powder to sit for half an hour and brush it away using a dry towel. Here you could also use a vacuum. Essentially, the powder will help remove any oily residues from the chocolate stain.

2. Using a stain remover

Another very effective method to remove chocolate stains is using a stain remover. You will need to follow all the steps we discussed for using the dish soap method for this method.

  1. You will require to scrape off the excess chocolate using an edge of a spoon or an index card.
  2. Then use ice cubes to harden the chocolate stains for easier cleaning.
  3. The third step will remove chocolate stains from your preferred stain remover. You will use a sponge to dab the remover gently over the stained area and let it sit for a couple of minutes.
  4. In other cases, you will need to apply the remover or dry-cleaning solvent directly to the affected area. For example, you used appley two to three drops and let it sit until the chocolate stains from upholstery have completely disappeared.
  5. You will need to rinse off the area using cold or hot water until the remaining chocolate stain is completely removed.
  6. Finally, you will sprinkle sufficiently cornmeal over the chocolate stain until the whole spot is coved. The powder will help remove any chocolate remains. You will allow the cornmeal to sit for 30 minutes and then wipe away with a dry towel. You will then use a vacuum cleaner to get the job done.

3. Using Lemon juice

The other effective method would be to use lemon juice to remove chocolate stains from upholstery. The best bit is that this method works in just a few minutes, and you will not need too much to get it done.

  1. First, you will apply or pretreat the affected area with the Lemon juice and let it sit for up to five minutes.
  2. After five minutes, you could use a damp sponge, damp cloth or a small brush to tamp the stain lightly.
  3. When you have removed the chocolate stains from upholstery completely, you will need to rinse the area using clean water to ensure that the acid in the lemon doesn't damage the couch or sofa.
  4. When done, the chocolate spot is clean; use a dry towel to dry off th area.

4. Using white vinegar and baking soda

If you wonder how to remove chocolate stains from upholstery, vinegar and baking soda would be a perfect solution. You will only need to follow the following steps to clean the chocolate stains.

  1. First, you will use a dull or butter knife to remove chocolate stains from upholstery. This will get rid of the excess chocolate.
  2. Then you will need to make a vinegar and baking soda solution and apply it directly to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes.
  3. Then use hot water and detergent to clean up the area. You can use a damp sponge or damp cloth and start blotting.
  4. When you have completely removed the stains, you wil raise the area off using a clean towel and water.
  5. When you are done, wipe the area with a clean cloth to dry it off.

5. Using hydrogen peroxide

The other method to remove chocolate stains from upholstery is using hydrogen peroxide. This method will mostly work for light-colored fabric fibers, couches, clothes, and carpets. So you mustn't use it on dark fabrics to avoid bleaching them.

  1. First, you will need to remove leftover chocolate from the affected spot.
  2. Then mix hydrogen and soap in the ratio of 2:1. You can use either dish soap or laundry detergent.
  3. Then blot the chocolate spot using a sponge and a cloth. Let the hydrogen and soap solution sit for a few minutes until the stain is removed completely.
  4. When you remove chocolate stains from upholstery, you will need to rinse off the hydrogen peroxide solution using cold water.
  5. You could then sprinkle cornmeal over the chocolate stain until the whole spot is covered. Then allow the cornmeal to sit for 30 minutes and wipe away with a dry towel.

6. Using rubbing alcohol

You can also remove chocolate stains from upholstery is using rubbing alcohol. Using rubbing alcohol will work best for dried chocolate stains. Mostly the alcohol will help deal with oily stains. The most important thing is to ensure that you don't use this method on acetate, rayon, wool or silk fabrics.

  1. First, you will need to remove leftover chocolate from the affected spot using a dull or spoon edge.
  2. Then apply the alcohol directly to the chocolate stains. Let it sit until the stain disappears.
  3. When you have removed the stain, rinse off using cold water. Then dry it using a dry clean towel.
  4. You could then sprinkle cornmeal over the chocolate stain until the whole spot is covered. Then allow the cornmeal to sit for 30 minutes and wipe away with a dry towel.

Tip on How to Get Chocolate Out of Couch Fabrics

To remove chocolate stains from upholstery can be tedious; however, we have prepared some tips to make the process easier.

  1. Clean up immediately after staining because the chocolate contains dairy products that could cause sour smells.
  2. Blot up using a dry white towel or a paper towel before cleaning for hot chocolate.
  3. Some stains like hot chocolate or dark chocolate will need more attention while cleaning because they are more stubborn.
  4. When cleaning, ensure that you dab directly while removing chocolate stains rather than drag to avoid spreading the spill.
  5. Ensure that when removing chocolate stains, you use a white cloth to blot to avoid accidental dye transfer when cleaning.
  6. Disinfecting the cleaned upholstery is is important to kill bacteria, molds, and viruses from the couch.

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About Author

Tim Parry

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