Kitchen, Tips & How To’s

How To Clean A Glass Stovetop Without Ruining It

Tim Parry


how to clean glass stovetop

Anyone with a glass stovetop will tell you that the smallest drop of cooking grease or oil can smudge all over and stick out like a sore thumb. However, not to worry, a few simple ingredients should get your glass cooktop sparkling again. Here are some methods that will teach you how to clean a glass stovetop.

Why Should You Clean Your Stove Top Often?

You should try to clean your stovetop after you cook. Be it one of the best pellet stoves, an electric one or even the best slide-in gas cookers. When you cook, there are always going to be spills here and there. Therefore to avoid critters and insects of all kinds, it is important to clean your stove top.

Furthermore, the longer you leave food remnants on your stove top, the harder they will be to get out. If you have a new stove, then ensure to read the manual. From knowing how electric stovetops work to knowing how to clean your glass top stove, it is also important to learn how you hard or aggressively you can scrub out stuck food remains.

You should also know which cleaning methods and products work best on your countertop.

To keep your kitchen always looking its best, you should understand the type of stove top you have. Your sink and faucet area, as well as your countertop, should work with the general layout. Nothing beats the timeless and sleek look of most electrical stovetops. Let's look at a few top-notch methods you can use to clean your glass top stove.

How To Clean A Glass Stovetop

Different messes require different types of cleaning products. Here are a few ways you can eliminate stubborn stains and stuck food from your glass stove top.

1) Baking Soda

Baking soda is a perfect cleaning agent for many types of stains. It is no different for your glass top stove. Furthermore, it doesn't require much scrubbing. Baking soda on its own is one of the best abrasive cleaners. All you have to do is wipe stains away with paper towels to get your glass top surface clean.

First, you should start to sprinkle baking soda all over your glass top stove. Next, take a towel or cloth and dip it in hot water. Then, wring out any excess water and place the towel on the stove top. You want to let the baking soda soak moisture from the damp cloth you placed on the stove top.

After the baking soda has loosened up stuck food and other stains, you can use the cloth to wipe any visible baking soda. If there are still visible stains like burnt-on stains, use a non-abrasive scrubbing pad to loosen it up. Next, wipe the whole surface with a few microfiber cloths dabbed in white vinegar to ensure the surface is not left with scratches. Dry as usual.

2) Razor Blade

For the tough gunk that refuses to budge, there is another way to get them off your glass cooktop. For starters, you need a razor blade with a handle, or a scraper tool, some diluted vinegar, and some microfiber cloths. You also need some warm water. Ensure to be very careful when using the razor blade.

First, you need to ensure that the stove is cool. Secondly, spray some diluted vinegar and let it sit for a few minutes. Next, ensure to gently scrape any caramelized gunk off the stove top. You need to make sure that the scraping tool or razor blade is at a 45-degree angle. After scraping all the gunk off, wipe it away with a microfiber cloth.

It is important to note that some stains and gunk will not come off unless they are melted. In that case, wait for your stove top glass to get warm, and then lightly scrape the gunk off. It should be easier to do so.

3) Cook Top Cream

All-electric cook tops and induction cooktops are compatible with cooking top cleaning cream and other commercial cleaners to remove grease. Additionally, these cleaning creams are great for glass stovetops and other glass surfaces. All you have to do is very carefully apply a little cooktop cleaning cream to the electric cooking tops. First, ensure the cooktop is cool.

Rub the cream around with a soft sponge in circular motions. After getting all the residue off, clean all the cream off. Ensure to get all of it off. If there is any cooktop cleaning cream residue left, it could potentially permanently ruin your glass cooktop. Especially induction cooking glass top stoves.

How To Remove Cloudiness From Your Stove Top

After using your stove for a while, it is normal to get some hazy coating from mineral deposits from water. If the haziness can come off with simple cleaning products, then it shouldn't be difficult to get it off. However, if the haziness doesn't respond to your normal cleaning routine, then you might need a stronger method. For this method, you will need:

  • Dishwashing soap
  • Citric acid
  • Baking soda

Start by sprinkling baking soda generously all over the glass surface. Next, you need to cover the baking soda in dishwashing liquid. Then you can go ahead and mix equal parts of citric acid and water. Next, mix in a spray bottle and lightly spray all over the mixture. You can now wait for 30-minutes as it bubbles.

Using fresh water and a sponge, wipe off all the gunk on your stove top. Then, you can buff it out with a microfiber cloth or newspaper. Either works very well to give your stove top a shine. However, the manufacturer's instructions are very important. If the instructions discourage against specific methods, then stay away from them.

The Bottom Line

It is important to note that stove tops are not for everyone. They also have their own set of stove top drawbacks. However, stove tops are very beautiful. Their design makes them eliminate clutter. However, a few words of caution are never to use any cleaning products on the stove while it is hot. With that being said, enjoy your clean glass stove top.

About Author

Tim Parry

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